
志愿者s listen to instructions from professor Julie Markin while standing by archaeological units excavated to varying depths.

Archaeology Field School Opens Site to Public


The summer course provides students from 九州娱乐官网 and elsewhere a hands-on opportunity to learn archaeology techniques and includes one day when students share what they’ve learned with curious members of the public who come to help on the dig.

Annie 科尔曼 and her husband on a ship during a tour.

纪念:安妮·B. 科尔曼


The executive assistant to seven 九州娱乐官网 总统s, 科尔曼 was named an honorary alumna at her 2016 retirement in recognition of 33 years of dedicated service. She died June 20 at the age of 74. 

Tuck Maddux (left) and Geoff Rogers at a senior luncheon

纪念:托马斯·H. “Tuck”Maddux III


A memorial service for the 20-year member of the Board of 访问ors and Governors was held on the morning of Monday, June 26 in Brooklandville, 马里兰.


2022届毕业生 Finding Early Success


The annual 第一个 Destinations report conducted by the Center for Career Development found 92% of graduates from 2022 were either employed or continuing their education nine months after graduation.

Sammy Segeda accepts her diploma from 总统 Mike Sosulski while crossing the stage at the 2023 毕业典礼 ceremony.

New College Alumna in Multinational Policy Program


The international studies graduate is writing a policy brief with counterparts from South Korea and Japan on improving opportunities for women. They will gather to present the results in Washington, D.C.,八月.